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Find Idaho Lacrosse at Clubs, programs, teams, or what ever you have related to Lacrosse. Find and share information about Idaho lax right here. Whether you are part of an established program with a long history or a brand new lacrosse program, share information about your club or team, so that other Stickbrain's can find you.

Tell us what's going on with Lacrosse in your area. From Idaho Youth Lacrosse to Senior Lacrosse we want to here about it. We are counting on you to tell us about your group, so we can share your information with everyone else.

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Lacrosse Instruction

Whitelist Us

To help improve deliverability and reduce the chance of our email messages getting caught in filters, please add the email address: to your address book or whitelist.

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Below are whitelisting tips for Outlook, AOL, Yahoo!, Hotmail and Gmail.


Add our From address, to your Safe Senders list:

  1. On the Tools menu, click Options
  2. On the Preferences tab, click Junk E-mail
  3. On the Safe Senders tab, click Add
  4. In the Add address, put
  5. Click OK



New subscribers:
Add our From address, to your AOL Address Book:

  1. Click the Mail menu and select Address Book
  2. Wait for the "Address Book" window to pop up, then click the Add button
  3. Wait for the "Address Card for New Contact" window to load
  4. Copy and paste into the "Other E-Mail" field
  5. Make our From address the "Primary E-Mail" address by checking the associated check box
  6. Click the Save button

Existing Subscribers:
If our newsletter is in your AOL Spam Folder, please open the issue and then click the This Is Not Spam button. Next, please add into your Address Book as described above.



New subscribers:
You will need to set up a filter to redirect our newsletter into your inbox:

  1. Open your mailbox and click on Mail Options (upper right hand corner)
  2. Select Filters (bottom left corner)
  3. Click the Add link on the Filters page
  4. Update the "From header:" rule with the following 2 pieces of information: "contains" and (This tells Yahoo to identify our newsletter based on its From address)
  5. Click the Choose Folder pull down menu and select inbox
  6. Pick the Add Filter button

Existing Subscribers:
If our newsletter is getting stuck in your Yahoo Bulk Folder, please open the issue and click the Not Spam button. Next, check to see if the newsletter's email address is in your "Blocked Addresses" list. If you see on this list, select it and click the Remove Block button. Lastly, please set up a filter as outlined above.



New subscribers:
Add our From address, to your Hotmail Safe List:

  1. Open your mailbox and click "Options" (upper right hand corner)
  2. Click the "Junk E-Mail Protection" link (top of page)
  3. Select the "Safe List" link (2nd from bottom)
  4. Copy and paste into the dialog box titled "Type an address or domain"
  5. Click the "Add" button next to the dialog box

Existing Subscribers:
If our newsletter is in your Junk E-Mail Folder, open the issue and click the Not Junk button. Next, check to see if our email address is in your Blocked Senders list. If you see on this list, select it and click the Remove button. Finally, if you have not done so, add into your Safe List as outlined above.



New subscribers:
Add our From address, to your Gmail Contacts List:

  1. Click Contacts along the left side of any Gmail page
  2. Click Add Contact
  3. Copy and paste our From address, into the primary email address dialog box
  4. Click Save

Existing Subscribers:
How to check if our newsletter is in the "spam" folder:

  1. Click Spam along the left side of any Gmail page
  2. Check mark the box next to our newsletter
  3. Click Not Spam button along the top


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