02/21/2015 Little Rock Laxfest
Little Rock Laxfest is the premier preseason tournament for the south/central region. Teams from Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Louisiana, and Oklahoma attend Little Rock Laxfest each year to get ready for the busy spring season! This event offers play for boys in the following divisions: 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, JV and Varsity. The girls divisions include youth and High School. Every year more and more teams compete in Little Rock Laxfest, with over 40 teams competing last year, and we want your team to be a part of it!
Each team is guaranteed 3 games, possibly 4, at a cost of only $375 per team. For more information and to register, visit our website www.littlerocklacrosse.com and click on the Laxfest 2015 tab. See you on the field!
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