The ™Stickbrain Report is the Newsletter that will keep you up to date on all of the new information, activities, and resources that are happening at Because new information is being added so fast, and we have grown so quickly, it has become necessary to create a newsletter to keep you up to speed on the latest cool Stickbrain™ stuff! As this site approaches 100 plus pages there just is not enough time in the day to continuously keep up with what's going on by simply surfing the site. I have received repeated requests to generate a newsletter from fellow Lacrosse freaks like you who just can't get enough, but don't have the time to surf the site and just want to know what's new.
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So here it is
The ™Stickbrain Report will allow you to scan what's new at as well as those things we think you might be interested in, or jewels from the past that you may have missed.
By choosing to receive the report, you will now be able to very easily see what's new and only spend time checking out those things you are interested in.
I know - pretty cool huh!
I hate spam, and we have a very strong policy of no spam, so in order to receive the newsletter you will have to ask for it by filling out the form below. We will then send you a confirmation e-mail just to make sure someone didn't give us your e-mail address without your permission. And rest assured that we will only use your e-mail address for this purpose. You have my word that we would never sell or share your address with anyone.
You can always choose to stop receiving the newsletter by simply going to the Contact-us page and telling us to stop sending it to you. We will gladly remove your e-mail address from our list.