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Asking for someone to volunteer to help with a morning "camp" to learn the basics of LaCrosse with 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades

by Cynde Jay / CJ
(Urbandale, Iowa, USA)

Hello. My name is Cynde Jay (nickname: CJ). I work for Adventuretime Family Services with the Urbandale Community School. This summer, as part of one of my "camps", I am attempting to have the kids learn about sports other than Football, Soccer, Baseball and the like. I am looking for someone who would like to volunteer to come to Olmsted Elem. School (71st and Prairie Ave. in Urbandale) for 2 days this summer and teach about the basics of Lacrosse.

The days I am looking at are Wed., June 30 and Tues., July 6. The June 30th date is for 3rd & 4th graders
and the July 6th date is 1st & 2nd grades.

The morning hours of 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. would be best for both camps. More than one volunteer would be acceptable as the June camp has 22 boys in it!

If you have someone who would like to help, they can leave me a message at 515/252-8768 with their name and phone number (I will not give this information to anyone else!). Or e-mail me at jayc@urbandale.k12.ia.us. Would it be possible for someone to get in touch with me even if no one is interested in doing this?

Thank you so much for your help.


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Jul 19, 2010
Central Iowa Lacrosse Association
by: Adam Edgington

I just stumbled across this today (7/19), obviously well after it was posted. Unfortunately I do not know what happened with this camp as a result. Although I could not have volunteered to assist with this due to work conflicts, I might have been able to get some of the Valley players to help out.
For future reference - for all those interested in lacrosse in the Des Moines area - the best way to find out what is going on or to get assistance with programs like this is to visit the Central Iowa Lacrosse Association website: http://centraliowalacrosse.sports.officelive.com/

There are options to contact myself or the head of the girls' program. You will also find news, league schedules, and other important information. There are even contact links for individuals in other metros across the state.

It is unfortunate that we missed out on this opportunity, especially since our last attempt to work with the Urbandale school district was less than successful...

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