Back to Back in the crease
by Steve Picot
(Sicklerville, NJ, USA)
This is a ground ball drill. Two players will enter the crease and turn back to back (over the goal line), with the ball between them on the ground. The rest of the team is around the crease, and there job is to keep the ball in. These two players that are back to back will fight for a lose ball. One the first whistle the players will fight for body positioning. They are not allowed to scoop the ball and it teaches about getting a better position on a ground ball. On the second whistle they are allowed to scope the ball. Who ever comes up with the ball has to hold it for three seconds in the crease, while the other players tries to knock the ball out. When the three seconds are up a new two enter the crease. This drill works on body positioning, intensity after a ground ball, and possession in close quarters. The players love to challenge each other.
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