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Defense Sport Mouth Guard Cleaner keeps athletes safe and healthy

by Caitlin

It comes to no surprise that mouth guards come in contact with a number of contaminants during the course of a practice session and competition. These contaminants are associated to health issues resulting from exposure to these contaminants via mouth guards. Defense Sport is the first and only product to address the issue of athletic oral hygiene. The alcohol free and sugar free solution contains a proven antimicrobial that can be used multiple times during games and practice. Many athletes, especially younger ones, should not be exposed to alcohol, particularly multiple times a day. In addition, alcohol can damage and/or discolor many mouth guards. Defense Sport is safe for all mouth guards.

Defense Sport is quick and easy to use- just hold the mouth guard in your hand, squirt both sides, shake it off, and go compete- “RINSE, SHAKE, BITE”. Not only is it now quick and easy for athletes to clean their mouth guards, but they can do it on the bench and on the field, during practices and games. That’s when they need the protection the most! This is an amazing product that is taking huge steps to keep athletes safe and healthy.

Check out www.defensesport.com for more information and where to buy.

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Jan 08, 2012
Ita about time
by: HorseHead

I don't know why this wasn't thought of sooner. I have had 3 different issues over the years attributed directly to a dirty mouth guard. Kudos to these guys for giving us a tool to stay healthier.

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