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Does Lacrosse consist of halves or quarters?

by craig

Does the game of Lacrosse consist of halves, or quarters?


Men's / Boy's Lacrosse consists of 4 quarters.
Youth Rules:
From the NFHS Rule book :

a. Senior and Junior Division (ages 12-15) — Four 10-minute stop-time quarters. In the event of a tie, two 4-minute sudden-victory overtime periods will be played. If after two overtime periods the score is still tied, additional sudden-victory overtime periods may be played until a winner is determined (provided time permits and coaches and officials are in agreement).

b. Lightning and Bantam Divisions (ages 8-11) — Four 12-minute running-time quarters. In the event of a tie, one 15-minute running-time overtime period will be played, with the team in the lead at the end of the overtime declared the winner. This is not a sudden victory period. If the score is still tied at the end of the overtime period, the game will end as a tie.

- High School is typically four 12 min quarters with a stopping clock.

- College is four 15 min quarters. With a stopping clock.

Womens Lacrosse consists of 2 halves.
- 25 mins each for high school.
- 30 mins for college.

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