Getting all new lacrosse gear for college team (what should i get!?)
by Garrett
(Kingston RI USA)
I am now a freshman in college at the University of Rhode Island. I successfully made the team, and now its time for my new gear set up. I know how i want me gear to fit, i just dont know what gear that is. Thats were the help comes in (hopefully). For starters i already have my new cascade cpxr, and i love it. I am looking to upgrade my, chest/shoulder protector, elbow pads, gloves, and cleats. Starting of with my chest/shoulder protector, i am looking for a piece of gear that is light weight, and easy to move around in. I dont like a pad that is big on the shoulder, and would certainly prefer flexibility and movement over protection. For my elbow pads, my number one priority is a pad that does not slide down my arm. I hate this. Protection is important but not something that i am to worried about. I'd like the pad to be decently flexible, and not screw up the range on my arms. For my gloves, i currently have warrior mac daddys, and i hate them. They are too loose, my fingers are slim. I want i tighter fighting glove, that is snug, small, and light weight. Finally for my cleats, im looking for a light weight shoe what comes close to or covers my ankles. i am a fan of the warrior cleats. I am a midfield player, and would really appreciate some input on my new gear. I dont want to go wrong because gear plays a big role in my play style. If my gear feels off, i feel off.
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