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Injuries in lacrosse

I play lacrosse for my high school team and wile I was playing I went for a ground ball as I came up I was hit hard I was wearing a helmet I got a busted lip were I need stitches I had a mouth piece and everything well my question is have you ever heard of this or seen it or anything b/c i have no idea what happen.....

thank you

There is no way to say what happened for sure without seeing it first hand, but there are some clear possibilities.

Your helmet doesn't fit well. If you have a loose fitting helmet (too big) or poorly adjusted helmet (loose or improperly fitting Chin strap) it can move around. This can make enough room that a stick or hand, corner of a shoulder pad etc could get in. Even the face masks or helmet itself can rotate around and impact your face and cause damage. Make sure your helmet is both the right size and is correctly adjusted to your head.

Also the nature of Lacrosse is such that impacts will occur. It is a contact sport and even my most basic understanding of physics tells me, that when you take two masses that are moving at speed in opposing directions, and collide them, bad stuff can happen.

As safe as we all want to be, there is always the possibility of an injury. Lacrosse gear is generally very safe, and getting safer at all times. But there is no way to completely prevent accidents and injuries from happening.

I hope you are recovering well from your injuries, we wish you a speedy recovery. Be careful and be safe. Make sure that helmet is fitting right and don't let your injury keep you from enjoying this amazing game. You could just as easily have fallen out of your chair and suffered similar injuries. I'm certain that wouldn't prevent you from sitting when you recover. Don't let this deter you from playing either when you are healthy again.

Best wishes,

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