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Lacrosse Director-Camp Skylemar

by George
(Naples, ME)

Camp Skylemar is hiring a teacher/coach to be our lacrosse director this summer. We seek a fun, dynamic, and responsible role-model who is experienced and enthusiastic about lacrosse. The lacrosse director should be comfortable teaching all levels (novice to advanced) of boys ages 8 - 16. Must share in our belief that nothing is more important than safety. Group and individual instruction.

Lacrosse Director will also coach Skylemar teams at various age levels that play against other camps. Director will train and motivate 4-6 college level players who assist with the lacrosse program. Lax director will also run tournaments and referee games. Director is responsible for weekly inventory and safety checks of lacrosse equipment. Lacrosse Director will also be involved with other fun camp activities and special events.

Applicants should have a strong lacrosse background, and be current teacher or coach. Known for our outstanding staff and attention to the individual child, Skylemar is a fantastic place to work. You will receive a salary of $3,500 and up for the 8 week season, depending on skills and experience. We also cover room, board, travel expenses, and laundry service. Families welcome. Possible job for spouse and camp scholarship for child.

Position runs mid June through mid August. Check us outline at www.skylemar.com.

Bachelor's degree. Strong lacrosse background. Previous coaching experience.

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