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Lacrosse weight training for a Goalie?

I am a personal trainer and have trained athletes for all kinds of sports...but not lacrosse. I know nothing about lacrosse! The kid (15 years old) I'm training is a goalie. Could you tell me a little about where he needs to be strong - what are his primary movements? In which areas does a good goalie need to be proficient? I can train him for anything - strength, agility, speed - but I need to know in what area he needs to be the strongest, most agile, etc. It's a lot easier I think to train a lax player who is either defense or offense, but I got a goalie.......thanks so much!

In my opinion the best type of athlete to play goalie is a very agile and quick kid. If you want to compare skills I think the best comparison is a shortstop or even a very active catcher in baseball. They need blazing fast hand eye coordination and quick feet. Those are the most important skills.

Lastly you want a kid that fills the goal. If you have choices of similarly quick kids, a larger kid means less goal to shoot at. But to me this is the least important. Much more important to be quick. Quick hands and quick feet.

Speed is an asset for a goalie but not necessary.

So tell us how you would train a catcher in baseball, and you will be right on.

Have fun!

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