LARSH (left and right shot hit)
by Danny DiSantis
(Louisville, Kentucky)
It's really a middle school or JV high school practice to encourage switching from left to right making a screen shot and then taking a solid check. First put the goalie in the net. Next put at least three defenders facing the same way as the goalie and in line in front of the goalie. Space them so that the ball carrier has the ability to run past them as if they were pylons. Then station a defender who is facing the side line one meter (one yard) from the last defender. He should be slightly in front of the last defender. The ball carrier needs to run past each defender switching his hands as each defender only stick checks him. as he passes the last defender he needs to use that defender as a screen and take a shot as he runs into the defender. Position the last defender who is facing the side line so that the ball carrier will be heading for him head on. Again that defender should give the ball carrier about three feet so he could crank out a shot before getting checked. After the shot the shooter needs to head for X to retrieve the next ball carriers shot. Start the drill with every one going right then every one needs to go left. You could have them take a lap for each ball carrier (or defender) who uses the wrong hand. Don't forget to insist that the goalie needs to chase wide shots as if there was no one at X.
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