Long Stick Middie
by Gerg Ottag
Can a long stick middie play offense? I want to be a LSM, but I still want to score. Any drills for LSMs?
AnswerMiddies are by design both offensive and defensive players. Long stick middies are no exception. Handled correctly that long stick gives a huge advantage on defense and on scooping up face-off ground-balls. But clearly good long pole middies are excellent in transitioning the ball up the field into the offensive zone and I have personally seen many long pole breaks that result in goals. It is one of the most exciting plays in lacrosse in my opinion. If however your main goal is to be an offensive player focus on the short stick. You get a much quicker shot and will be more effective. If you love to run the field and be the dominant defensive middie on the field then master the long pole. have fun,
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