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Mesh Problems

by Tyler

How do you break in hard lacrosse mesh, and not break in other parts of it. example, im trying to break in the part under my shooters, not the bottom, but somehow my mesh is breaking in on the bottom part of the mesh.

ANSWER Hard mesh tends to break in fastest where it is the loosest. Obviously the pocket has very little support compared to where your shooter strings are, so it is bound to loosen up the quickest.

You will probably have to tighten up your pocket some as you wear it in.

Maybe someone out there has some other tips for Tyler. Let him know what you think.

Happy Laxin bro.

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Jun 03, 2010
okay thanks
by: Tyler

So your saying i need to tighten up my shooters or tighten up the sidewall strings or what part of the pocket should i tighten up?

[ANSWER] You may have to tighten up any or all of the above, including the bottom strings. You will have to see how your pocket works and if it is legal. Make sure you keep your shooters tight and your pocket legal.

Good luck.

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