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by Coach Mark
(Ocean Springs MS)

Nick Rocco Top 205 2009

Nick Rocco Top 205 2009

MS BOYS: Nick Rocco Commits to University of Mississippi Ocean Springs senior attackman & St.Patrick HS student,Nick Rocco has committed to play MCLA Division I Lacrosse at the University of Mississippi.

Rocco, a first-team All-State Louisiana High School Lacrosse League selection as a junior, had the opportunity to become one of the first Mississippi natives to play NCAA-sanctioned lacrosse. But he decided to forgo the opportunity, because, he said, he wanted a chance to have more of a social life in college.

Ocean Springs is based in Mississippi but plays in the Louisiana High School Lacrosse League.

“It’s more of a chance to have fun with the sport,” Rocco said.

Rocco said he was recruited by several schools, Jacksonville U, Limestone, FSU, LSU, Dallas, Birmingham-Southern, Millsaps, and others before settling on the Oxford-based school.

“It was just as much the school, as it was the lacrosse, that went into the decision", Rocco said.
"Thanks to my team mates, I could have went to a lot of schools . I belong in Mississippi."
“The guys (on the Ole Miss team) are great guys, and getting know them made it a little easier.”
"I’m hoping for more playing time and less pressure"

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