Port City Pappys looking for interested players 40 and over!
by Christian Sava
(Newburyport, MA)
A couple of fellas and I are starting up a 40 and over lacrosse team. We are the Port City Pappys. We will meet every Tuesday in the evening from June through August and play other 40+ teams at home in Newburyport or in other town’s field. We will be part of the Old New England Lacrosse League (O.N.E.L.L) and battle such teams as the Cape Ann Gaspin’ Greenheads and the Seacoast Sack. This is real men’s lacrosse with rules, refs, and clocks but with slightly dialed-down contact. If you know anybody who plays hockey still, it’s the same idea. You buy your own equipment and pay a small fee to cover league membership and a uniform. This will be good old family fun. If you are out of practice and a little rusty with a stick, join the club. If you are in peak physical condition and your skills are finely honed, definitely join the club. This is low pressure lacrosse. We have a wide mix of people interested from old college lax stars to those whom have never played competitively. It is bunch of working stiffs who are looking to mix it up on a field with friends (and some strangers). It should be a great time. I am sending out this email to gauge interest. If you reply that you are interested it does not mean you are committing to anything, but will tell me that you want to be kept on the list. This email will be followed up later by another with a date and time for an informal meeting (at a bar) in January or February where we go over the details and stay out late. Again, this is laying groundwork. Decide if you want to be a Pappy at or after the meeting. If you are not interested, but know somebody who might be, kindly forward this email to them. You must be at least 40 years old by the time June rolls around to play on the Pappys. If you won’t be, don’t let it stop you from finding out more about the team or the league because 40 is coming on faster than you think, and there is lax to play!
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