Practice Starts
by Kort
Now I'll start this off by saying that I am not a coach. I just felt like contributing what my team does for practices. Now most coaches I assume don't coach the same as all other coaches and do different things in the bulk of their practice. However, the warm-up that my team does seems to be pretty basic and effective and I thought it would be good to share.
We start out by lining up and taking a lap as a team to get loosened up. Then, we circle up (other teams may stretch differently) and do our stretches. When we are all loose the defense goes and practices long passes and clearing drills (some teams have them participate in line drills as well) while the middies and attack begin line drills (see my share a drill on line drills). Also I know some coaches like to do agility drills like the ones posted on another practice plans submission. And thats the pretty basic make up of the beginning of our practice. From here you as a coach can go on to do more drills, scrimmage, or take care of other business as a team.
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