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Rick Kincaid South Carroll High School (Explosion Drill)


Explosion Drill:

Objective: Player will be able to...
1. Develop skill of separation from opponent.
2. Develop skill of stick protection.

Equipment Needed: a ball for every player.

Description of drill

Use the end line for the attack and the sideline for the middies. Every one has a ball in their stick.

1. With the stick in your right hand make two long strides at half speed then make next stride be a explosion step using a split face, roll dodge, face dodge, hitch dodge or underdodge. The explosion step is used to separate yourself from your "D" guy.

2. Let the guy in front of you two moves before you begin.

3. No two dodges can be used in a row. Between explosion step and dodge must make some type of lazy S down the line.

4. Work on stick protection making sure you turn your shoulder toward your imaginary defender.

5. No hanging stick while dodging. Must keep the stick between the shoulders.
If you do you have 5 to 10 burpees, push ups, step ups with twists.

6. Repeat with the left hand.

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Jun 10, 2012
Like the drill
by: Anonymous

like the drill. Could you do this from all angles? Could you also make other suggestions?

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