Stay in the game
by Juquan Tellis
My name is Juquan Tellis and this is my first year playing lacrosse, I have learned a lot from playing lacrosse. Lacrosse is a game of mistake's so don't ever get down on yourself because you have made one. I have learned that several player from other teams will try to get you off your game by hitting your stick without you having the ball. Or holding your jersey just to get you a little mad.
tip 1. Play in front of your man while he has the ball. You never want to get caught playing from behind. 2. Keep your stick up. You don't want to have it down that can be a point for the other team. I have learned more from playing. Every game I play, I learn another thing about lacrosse. Team work is very important. Together We Achieve More Stick with it
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