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What position should i play

by Trevor
(Oshawa, Ontario, Canada)

Hey, I am in grade 10 and am considering going out for my high school team.

I have never really played lacrosse before just thrown a ball around my friend and i can cradle it ok.

Anyhow, I was wanting to join the lacrosse team next year because I really like the sport and my friend is on it and thinks I should.

There isn't any try outs for the team, so I would make it.

I am pretty short, and small. Only about 5,5 at the moment. I am sure I will grow lots during the summer and stuff, but I will still be quite small probably. Anyhow, I have alright speed, and have decent stamina, what position should I play?

ANSWER Trevor I just want to tell you congratulations. Your life will never be the same. You probably already are a Stickbrain(tm). That happens almost as soon as you pick up a stick. You start to feel the itch. Then the next thing you know its too late. You are a Lacrosse player.

Well one of the great things about lacrosse is that you don't have to be a monster size wise to be successful. I have seen tiny kids much smaller than you who can handle the ball do well. I would say on the front end that you probably will start off playing attack or midfield. Focus on your stick skills. Start working the wall. And take as many shots as you can with both hands each day. If you can handle the ball you will be able to contribute.

Are you playing Box (hockey Rink) or Field Lacrosse?

Good luck my friend. Let us know how you are doing.

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